2023 Instagram Algorithm Hacks: How to Use It to Your Advantage

The volume of interactions you receive significantly impacts how visible your material is, whether you’re attempting to rank on Explore, Reels, or Feed. In order to make the Instagram algorithm work in your favor, it’s crucial to produce material that generates a lot of likes, shares, comments and even saves. Here are some pointers to assist you in raising your account’s visibility on Instagram and increase your ranking there:

1. Create entertaining and small reels

Nowadays, there are various ways to gain likes within a short span of time. Currently, there are shortcuts which include websites like stormlikes where you can buy likes, but if you want to make it more organically then you need to follow the procedure of how the algorithm helps. You can take advantage of Reels’ which are nowadays widespread for promotion on Instagram to increase your profile’s visibility there. Create space in your content plan for reels to maintain engagement with your audience and eventually draw in new visitors.

Make careful to keep things enjoyable, lighthearted, and amusing because the system prioritizes Reels based on their entertainment value. Also, since the length of a Reel is considered, you should keep your videos brief but simultaneously crisp to enhance the possibility that viewers will see the full thing. You must know that the algorithm considers how much time the users spend on your reel.

2. Choose the proper timing

Instagram Algorithm

You need to receive as many likes and comments as you can in the initial few seconds after publishing your content on Instagram because interactions are a major ranking component in the platform’s algorithm. Catching your followers during their most active times will increase the likelihood that they will engage with your posts and Stories. Otherwise, your posts and Stories may become lost in a sea of other accounts’ posts and stories already receiving much attention.

Data from numerous studies indicate that Thursdays are the best days to post. And between 2:00 PM and 3:30 PM is the ideal time to post. In addition, posting is encouraged at 11 A.M. on Wednesdays and 10 A.M. on Fridays. However, to find out when your followers are most likely to interact with your Instagram material, it’s advisable to look at your own analytics data since there are differences between these studies. Then, you can use scheduling tools to post your posts at the ideal moment automatically.

3. Narrative interactions are encouraged

Instagram employs popularity as a ranking signal for determining the order of its Stories, giving attention to content that receives a lot of interactions. Make sure those who are watching your Stories are motivated to engage with them as if you want them to be seen by more people. You can use polls, question stickers, and emoji sliders to encourage users to engage with your Stories.

Allowing them to choose between two distinct meal alternatives encourages users to interact with their Stories. Therefore, encouraging interactions raises their content’s exposure in Instagram’s algorithm.

4. Encourage commenting

Instagram Algorithm

Engagement is a significant ranking signal for posts and reels. Thus, you must increase your Instagram engagement if you want your material to appear higher in Explore, Feed, and Reels. Likes are fantastic, but comments are even more effective in fostering conversations and enhancing your chances of appearing on the Explore page.

You can maximize the space in your captions to invite comments on your posts. Create captions that enhance the material by supplying background information or telling stories. A call to action should be included at the end, and it should be clear what you want the reader to do. To entice them to express their opinions, provide a query or provide a prompt.

5. Utilize Meaningful Hashtags

As they aid the algorithm in understanding the topic of the material, hashtags are a significant ranking indication. Therefore, using highly relevant and widely used hashtags to optimize your posts is a terrific approach to raising your platform’s visibility and ranking.

Use our Hashtag Generator Tool to automatically generate the most pertinent hashtags for your posts if you’re unsure of what to include. Submit your image file, and the tool will find content-relevant keywords. These keywords can then be selected to produce extremely effective and well-liked hashtags for use.

6. Continue to post regular Articles

To begin with, they are a very well-liked and powerfully marketing-oriented content category, with 500+ million daily visitors and a third of the most-viewed stories originating from companies. Also, regardless of how the algorithm may be favoring your content in other ways, Stories remain displayed at the top of users’ feeds, putting you in constant contact with your audience.

People clearly enjoy stories because they offer an authentic, quick approach to engaging your audience. Also, they literally move your brand’s account to the top of your followers’ news feeds. Simply put, Stories will continuously keep your profile visible. This is wonderful news for engagement as you post Stories that entice followers to check out your content.

7. Hold a competition or giveaway

Instagram Algorithm

You’ll see that giveaway and contest posts frequently rank among the most well-liked and popular ones for many businesses.

Contests can bring a spike of activity to your profile, whether it’s through posting a hashtag or producing some user-generated material. Contrary to popular assumption, these competitions are still active. But make sure you’re prepared to handle a social media contest and are familiar with its legalese before beginning. In order to give yourself enough time to generate buzz between your contests, think about using a “less is more” technique.


In spite of the constantly changing Instagram algorithm, there are still many methods for users to interact with their audience without relying solely on advertisements. This entails utilizing the platform’s most recent features and scheduling applications like Sprout to ensure you’re consistently publishing timely, relevant material that promotes interaction. Hence, whether you’re a business or a content provider, becoming popular on Instagram depends entirely on your ability to manipulate the system. Use the advice provided above to your advantage to develop a plan that will guarantee a higher position in the Instagram algorithm.

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